新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOLS7必将崛起的10大英雄:新版刀锋竟然没上榜


LOLS7 will rise of 10 big hero: the new blade didn't on the list

2016-11-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  随着Faker再次在世界舞台上捧起总冠军奖杯,S6赛季也即将告一段落,而不管是总决赛赛场上还是日常的排位匹配过程中,总有那么几个英雄大放异彩,他们有的是因为适合阵容广泛,有的是因为操作难度不大,有的是因为够秀,但更多的,是因为适应版本。   而即将到来的S7赛季,因为部分装备、英雄和版本的改动,也必将会让一些英雄在新赛季的召唤师峡谷中大放异彩。   那么,接下来,就让我们一起看看到底有哪些英雄极有可能在新赛季顺应天命,重归神坛。   一、上单   上单位一直是一只队伍的中流砥柱,一个发育好的上单,完全可以扛起冲锋陷阵的大旗,为队伍胜利奠定基础。   1、迷失之牙——纳尔 ...

As Faker on the world stage once again won the championship trophy, S6 season will soon come to an end, and whether the finals in the competition or daily life during qualifying match, there is always a few heroes, because they have a plenty of fit squad is widespread, have a plenty of because the operation difficulty is not great, sometimes to show enough, but more, because to adapt to the version. And the upcoming S7 season, because part of the equipment, hero and version changes, also will let some heroes to shine in the summoner canyon in the new season. So, next, let's look at exactly what heroes are likely to comply with the destiny of the new season, return to greatness. One, on a single unit has been a mainstay of the team on a good development, can carry the banner of the charge, laying the groundwork to team success. 1, the lost tooth -,...

标签: LOL