新关注 > 信息聚合 > mouseSpaz失去CSGO分队


MouseSpaz lost CSGO unit

2015-01-13 12:06:26来源: 太平洋游戏网

北美mouseSpaz俱乐部在其官网宣布失去旗下CSGO分队。 不久前Tarik "tarik" Celik领衔的战队整体离开了效力5个月的mouseSpaz俱乐部,并计划寻找更高水平的俱乐部,随后俱乐部也官方宣布失去CSGO分队的消息。 James "hazed" Cobb在谈...

North American mouseSpaz club in its official website announced the loss of its CSGO unit. Not long ago, led by Tarik "Tarik" Celik team overall left the effectiveness of 5 months mouseSpaz club, and plans to seek a higher level of the club, then the club also officially announced the lost CSGO team news. James "hazed" Cobb on...