新关注 > 信息聚合 > 昆仑游戏《师父有妖气》“特妖代言计划”启动


Kunlun game the master has spookiness "" special demon endorsement plan "start

2015-07-24 16:19:02来源: 多玩游戏

昆仑游戏《师父有妖气》“特妖代言计划”启动 “师父有妖气”来自于西游记中悟空的一句经典台词,它让人不禁感到有些无厘头,有些离经叛道,但对于喜欢彰显个性的年轻人来说,它恰到好处地契合了独立与叛逆、张扬与活力、追求实现自我的主流价值观。“妖”即是不同的个体,“妖”即是不被理解的少数。昆仑...

Kunlun game the master has spookiness" "special demon endorsement plan" start "master Yaoqi from monkey king in journey to the west of a line, it lets a person can't help but feel a little nonsense, some deviant, but for young people like reveal personality, it is just right to fit the independence and rebellion, publicity and vitality, pursuit to realize self value of the mainstream view. "Demon" is a different individual, "demon" is not to be understood in a few. Kunlun...

标签: 游戏