新关注 > 信息聚合 > 也许不会再快了!灭尽龙被人1分28秒单杀!


Maybe it won't be faster! Out of the dragon was killed by 1 28 seconds!

2018-01-20 14:29:35来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 世界》昨天开启了第三次测试,猎人们都摩拳擦掌准备好好挑战一番封面怪灭尽龙。毕竟它在之前的预告里拍飞了猎人,又拍飞了其他古龙,好不威风。虽然一开始可能有些挫折,但是到昨天晚上的时候,各种武器都已经出现了较快的单刷视频,消耗时间也已经降到了5分钟以下。也许你觉得这已经很快了,但这肯定不是最快的。到今天早上时,单刷世界记录已经被刷新到了2分36秒。随后,就在一小时前,日本玩家toad2330用重弩单刷了灭尽龙,所用的时间为1分28秒850,创下了新的世界记录。这下我真想不到谁还能更快了。下面是他的单刷录像:B站地址当然你肯定会问还能不能更快,更快还是有的。只不过只能是靠组队了。外国团队T...

"Monster hunter world" opened the third test yesterday, the hunters are ready to challenge a cover eager for a fight to blame the extinction of dragon. After all, it flew the hunters in the previous notice and took the other Cologne. Though there may be some setbacks at the beginning, by the time of last night, all kinds of weapons had seen a faster single brush video, and the consumption time has also been reduced to less than 5 minutes. Maybe you think it's very fast, but it's definitely not the fastest. By this morning, the single brush world record has been refreshed to 2 minutes and 36 seconds. Then, just an hour ago, the Japanese player toad2330 used a crossbow to wipe out the dragon with a time of 1 minutes and 28 seconds 850, creating a new world record. I don't think anyone can get faster. The following is his single - brush Video: B station address, of course, you will certainly ask if it can be faster, faster or more. It's just a team. Foreign team T...