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为厂花献声 新倩女漫画手游共贺好礼

For a new plant to celebrate the Mobile Games comic voice Haoli

2015-11-06 11:36:03来源: 新浪

“酒气成虹入碧空,雕翎醉舞逐惊龙。揽月为弓星作矢,誓破碧落第九重。” 《新倩女幽魂》中的男射手——聂秋鹰,是天启年间东厂的颜值担当,也是玩家口中百步穿杨的“射爷”;有一腔为国为民的侠道大义,也有一段难以割舍的兄弟情义。 这样一位门面角色,不仅是《新倩女幽魂》第二部同名漫画的主角、...

"wine into the rainbow into the azure sky, drunk by surprise at the carved dragon. The moon is made to rise, blue sky oath breaking ninth." The new ghost story "male Archer - Nie Qiuying is apocalyptic years Dongchang Yan value play, but also internationally in archery shooting Ye"; a cavity for the country and the people of the Xia Da Yi, also has a difficult to let go of the brotherhood. The role of such a facade, is not only a "ghost story" second new comic book hero,...

标签: 手游