新关注 > 信息聚合 > 见过用香肠玩击剑的吗? 奇葩游戏《香肠传奇》让..

见过用香肠玩击剑的吗? 奇葩游戏《香肠传奇》让..

Met with sausage play fencing? Wonderful work game "sausage legend" let..

2016-06-03 16:37:48来源: 任玩堂

迷之香肠击剑游戏 Sausage Legend《香肠传奇》现已正式上架安卓及 iOS 平台。在游戏中,玩家需要操作肉色条状物的香肠来进行角斗,并掌控不同的时机来进攻对方。不过看着对方支离破碎的场景,身为玩家的你是会食欲大动还是虎躯一震呢?(原视频地址:http://www.appgame...

Fans of Sausage fencing game Sausage Legend "Sausage Legend" is now officially on android and iOS platform. In the game, players need to manipulate color strings sausage for architectural engineering, and control of different time to attack each other. Looked at each other but fragmented scenario, as a player you are big appetite or tiger body an earthquake? (the original video address: http://www.appgame...

标签: 游戏