新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传奇1.76秒卡版今日14点开启免激活新区 坚持公平..

传奇1.76秒卡版今日14点开启免激活新区 坚持公平..

Legendary 1.76 seconds card version of 14 o'clock today open free activation New District adhere to the fair..

2015-05-28 14:03:37来源: 多玩游戏

经历了一年多激活码的羁绊,热血传奇1.76秒卡版新区终于取消了激活码限制,使用盛大通行证即可登录游戏!在万众期待下,今天下午14点整火爆开区! 本次新区依然沿袭白金区的游戏特色,严格恪守官方的承诺,永远采用时间收费模式,不设元宝商城。经验获得的方式为传统的打怪升级。在本区内将永远不举...

experienced more than a year the activation code fetters, the legend of Mir 1.76 seconds card version of the new district was finally abolished the activation code restrictions, grand pass you can login to the game! In the long-awaited, today at fourteen o'clock in the afternoon hot open area! The district still follow the game features a platinum zone, strictly abide by the official commitment. Always use the time charging mode, do not set the mall ingot. Experience gained way for the traditional play blame upgrade. Will never be lifted in this area...