新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂首款手游《口袋妖怪:Shuffle》即将问世


Nintendo first hand travel Pokemon: shuffle "forthcoming before

2015-06-30 17:03:19来源: 4399

日前,任天堂3DS消除游戏《口袋妖怪:Shuffle》(Pokemon Shuffle)宣布将在近期登陆移动平台,这似乎也成为了任天堂公开的首款手机游戏!没想到竟是三消玩法,小伙伴们有没有一点失望呢? 从已知资料显示,《口袋妖怪:Shuffle》将以免费形式向玩家推出,同时鉴于该作在3...

, Nintendo 3DS elimination game" the pocket monster: shuffle "(Pokemon shuffle) announced that will be landing in the near future, mobile platform, which seems to have become the first Nintendo open mobile games! Unexpectedly is Sanxiao play, small partners have not a little disappointed?? from known data show," the pocket monster: shuffle "will be in the form of free players to launch. At the same time, in view the in 3...

标签: 手游 任天堂