新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我国再生橡胶生产实现“近零排放”


Reclaimed rubber production in China to realize "near zero emissions"

2016-04-29 22:01:59来源: 人民网

[导读] 28日,随着北京化工大学与衡水华瑞橡胶公司完成签约,一条具备国内首创、国际领先技术、年产量达5000吨的再生橡胶生产线正式落户衡水,标志着我国再生橡胶生产实现了“近零排放”,困扰再生橡胶生产二次污染将得到解决。 我国再生橡胶生产实现“近零排放” 科技日报衡水4月28日电...

[reading] 28, with Beijing university of chemical industry and hengshui huarui rubber company sign, has a domestic initiative, the international leading technology, the annual output of 5000 tons of reclaimed rubber production line officially settled in hengshui, marked the reclaimed rubber production in China to achieve the "near zero emissions", the secondary pollution problems reclaimed rubber production will be solved. Reclaimed rubber production in China to realize "near zero emissions" science and technology journal, hengshui, April 28 (Reuters)...