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牧师还是能一战 炉石传说且看新版本环牧的表现

The priest or to the first world war BFS legend ring livestock performance and see the new version

2018-04-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

本次我们把重点放在牧师的讨论上,先看10张职业卡。 2 费21,战吼回复2点生命值。……“有人要找医生吗”不知道大家还有印象吗?这卡其实就价值1费,另外一费在回响上,鉴于其亏费,所以2费不能下,起码得 4费,不过幸好牧师就是一个后期职业,到10费的时候连续5次回2血也是蛮厉害的。有奥金尼配合就是10点伤害,即便一回合combo打也有6点伤害。且 可以分散投资,所以后期这张卡无论是恢复还是解场打伤害收益都蛮可观的。适合环牧。 2 费为所有友方角色恢复6点生命值,这张卡不仅是英雄、和所有友方随从一起奶,只要随从数量不少于2就不亏。而且还有很多combo可以打。最常见的比如配 合北郡牧...

On this we focus on the minister's discussion, take 10 professional card first. 21, 2 battle roar back 2 life value. ...... "People want to find a doctor?" don't know if you still have impression? This card is worth 1, another fee on the echo, given its deficient fee, so 2 fee can't, at least 4 fee, but fortunately, the priest is a late career, to 10 charges back 2 5 times in a row when blood is pretty bad. Mr Ginnie cooperate is 10 damage, even if a round of play there are 6 damage combo. And can be diversified, so this card whether restore or late game proceeds are quite considerable damage. Suitable for ring priest. 2 fee is all friendly characters to restore 6 HP, this card is not only a hero, with all friendly with milk, just follow the number of not less than 2 losses. And there are a lot of combo can play. The most common such as distribution In the north county animal husbandry...

标签: 炉石传说