新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《甜心格格》手游1月6日爆笑闯宫廷


"The sweetheart to vanquish" mobile game into court on January 6

2015-12-31 14:44:55来源: 07073游戏网

时光匆匆,又是一年岁月静好,美好的年华,总由一个个不断的惊喜串联。在曝光预约的余温未减之时,爆笑暖心少女手游《甜心格格》再曝首测惊喜,游戏首测将于1月6日正式开启!男神女神们,是否早已按捺不住了?还有不到一周的时间,就可以与甜丝丝、心柔柔们一起开启别样宫廷之旅啦。 青春年华,充满各种...

A years time in a hurry, it is still good, the good mood, always by constantly amazed in series. Exposure in booking keypad unabated, laugh and warm heart girl mobile game "sweetheart to vanquish" surprise again revealed the first test, the game was first officially opened on January 6! Men god goddess, whether already to succumb? In less than a week's time, can open with my sweetie, heart soft trip to another court. Youth, full of all kinds of...

标签: 手游