新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产互动影视、游戏的浪潮真的来了吗?


Does the tide of domestic interactive movies, TV and games really come?

2019-07-23 17:35:32来源: 触乐


In the 1960s, the world's first interactive film, Automated Film: A Man and His House, was released. In cinemas, besides sitting up and watching movies, fans can also choose to press a red or green button to change the ending of the characters and stories on the screen. By the 21st century, this process has become simpler. Clicking on the mouse or screen and choosing different plot branches have become novel ways of watching plays. Automated Movie: A Man and His House is no stranger to such forms of expression. Classic AVG games have long been able to achieve similar effects, and their themes and content are richer than interactive dramas or videos. Nowadays, interactive dramas in the Internet age use words (lines and pictures) to let users understand the plot, and influence the plot and the outcome by choosing. Many game elements have been used for reference in these interactive dramas, forming a more complex branch trend. Having multiple branches and endings means that users will spend more time and effort on different branches.

标签: 游戏