新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终幻想15》的PS4版和Xbox One版有多大区别?

《最终幻想15》的PS4版和Xbox One版有多大区别?

The PS4 version of final fantasy 15 "and Xbox One version of how to distinguish?

2016-11-15 00:23:40来源: 新浪

史克威尔艾尼克斯最近上架了新的《最终幻想15》试玩DEMO“Judgment Disc”,临近发售推出一个这样的DEMO,很明显是想让那些还犹豫是不是要买《最终幻想15》的玩家们最终决断。《最终幻想15》即将在11月29日正式发售,登陆PS4和Xbox One。 为了能让玩家们安心的...

Square: recently on the new final fantasy 15 "try the DEMO" Judgment "Disc, near sale to launch such a DEMO, is obviously want to let those still hesitating whether to buy 15" final fantasy players final decision. 15 "final fantasy is about to launch on November 29th, landing PS4 and Xbox One. In order to reassure players...

标签: PS Xbox PS4 最终幻想