新关注 > 信息聚合 > Sky李晓峰:在退役年龄上LOL与DotA为何有差别


Sky Li Xiaofeng: why there is a difference between LOL and DotA in the age of retirement

2015-12-07 11:10:40来源: TechWeb

竞选手过早退役的原因主要是下面几点 1.打不出成绩,选择退役 2.成绩不错,但选择了直播平台高额的签约费用(现在一线的主播会有几百万甚至上千万的签约费) 3.对自己的人生规划不清晰,冒失选择其他的职业方向(现在很多职业选手的年龄都很小,心智不成熟) 4.俱乐部放弃,被迫退役(现在...

The reasons for premature retirement of the hand campaign is mainly below: 1. Play a result, choose to retire. Achievement. Good, but the choice of the broadcast platform high contract costs (now first-line anchor there will be hundreds of millions or even tens of million signing bonus). On their own life planning is not clear, bold choose another career direction (now are small and many professional players age, mental immaturity) clubs. Give up, was forced to retire (now...