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360手游10月指数报告: 用户细分愈加明显

360 hand-tour in October index report: user segment becomes more obvious

2015-12-01 17:50:09来源: 4399

近日,360游戏发布了最新的10月手游指数报告,这份报告中延续了9月份发出的新游类型分布、当月新势力榜单和各类别优秀游戏产品数据表现。 从这份报告中,我们能够清晰的看到目前单机和网游的畅销榜固化局面仍然在持续;而在上线新游方面,休闲益智类的单机游戏数量增多,而原本9月与之并驾齐驱的消除...

Recently, the 360 ​​game released the latest October hand travel index report, which is the continuation of a new tour in the September issue type distribution list month new forces and games in each category outstanding performance data. From this report, we can clearly see the current stand-alone and online games bestsellers cured situation is still continuing; and in terms of new on-line travel, the number of stand-alone game casual puzzle increased, while the original September with a par eliminate...

标签: 手游