新关注 > 信息聚合 > lol6.9版本最强英雄阵容推荐 6.9什么法师英雄厉害

lol6.9版本最强英雄阵容推荐 6.9什么法师英雄厉害

Lol6.9 version of the strongest hero lineup recommended 6.9, what mage hero is fierce?

2016-05-10 10:34:13来源: TechWeb

完美阵容应该具备哪些因素,物理输出,魔法输出,坦克,团控以及保护,当然如果配合上版本强势的英雄那就再好不过了,今天小编就为大家推荐一个6.9比较比较优秀的阵容,助你轻松上分。 这次我们阵容搭配是:上单加里奥 中单玛尔扎哈 打野稻草人 ADC老鼠 辅助宝石 该阵容具备了物理输出,魔法输...

The perfect lineup should have what factors, physical output, magic output, tanks, mission control and protection, of course, if with the strong version of the hero that would be better, today Xiaobian to recommend a 6.9 more excellent squad, to help you easily on. This is our squad: single gariod collocation in single Martha Zaha wild mouse ADC Scarecrow with the auxiliary gem lineup of physical output, the magic lost...

标签: LOL