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俾斯麦公开 海战世界5.15不限号测试

Bismarck open battle world 5.15 does not limit the number of test

2015-05-05 15:13:39来源: 新浪

海战世界 CGWR 得分 CGWR:74 位 CGWR介绍 导语:近日,畅游旗下海空潜团队竞技网游《海战世界》公布全新德系战舰上线时间表,将于5月15日开启不限号测试,并率先推出德系战列舰及部分潜艇,战火开始蔓延大西洋海域。二战期间赫赫有名的王牌战列舰“俾斯麦”号即将登陆,或成为...

score CGWR:74 CGWR CGWR battle world introduction introduction: Recently, the tour's air sea latent competitive gaming world "battle" team released a new German battleship line timetable, will open is not limited number of tests in May 15th, and the first to introduce German battleships and submarines, the war began to spread in the Atlantic sea. During World War II ace battleship having a great reputation "Bismarck" landing, or become...