新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世嘉迷你MD负责人:感谢任天堂给我们留了点面子


Shijia Mini MD Manager: Thank Nintendo for saving us some face.

2019-07-11 10:42:52来源: 游戏时光

你或许也好奇,为什么世嘉迷你 MD 负责人要感谢任天堂?事情是这样的。2019 年 5 月,日本启用了新年号「令和」,而世嘉早早确定了旗下的复古主机迷你 MD 将会在 2019 年 9 月 19 日发售。因此在对外的宣传中,它们一直都打着「令和第一台硬件」的宣传口号。结果任天堂在昨晚突然公布了新型号的「Switch Lite」,同样是在 9 月发售,把世嘉吓得不轻。好消息是,「Switch Lite」的发售日定在 9 月 20 日,比迷你 MD 刚好晚一天,因此世嘉「令和第一台硬件」的宣传口号依然成立。因为这事,世嘉的奥成洋辅在推特上表示,感谢任天堂给他们留了点面子。尽管如此,他还是脑补了一出...

You may also be curious, why would Sega Mini MD Manager thank Nintendo? That's what happened. In May 2019, Japan launched the New Year's Resolution, and Shijia early confirmed that its retro mainframe Mini MD will be launched on September 19, 2019. Therefore, in the external propaganda, they always carry the slogan of "order and first hardware". As a result, Nintendo unexpectedly unveiled its new version of Switch Lite last night, which was also launched in September, scaring Sega a lot. The good news is that "Switch Lite" will be released on September 20, just one day later than the Mini MD, so the slogan of "Order and First Hardware" is still in place. Because of this, Shijia's Au Chengyang-fu tweeted that he thanked Nintendo for saving some face for them. Nevertheless, he had a brain patch.

标签: 任天堂