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《自由之战》城市巡回赛北京站B组 今日火拼

"Free" Battle City Tour Beijing Railway Station B group today.

2015-12-16 15:42:58来源: 4399

勇士们!《自由之战》黄金联赛S1城市巡回赛北京站资格赛已经拉开了帷幕,今天又有两支队伍将带来巅峰对决。究竟谁能拿到第二个决赛晋级资格?我们拭目以待吧! 【今日赛程】 12月16日 19:00-22:30 B组: 涅盘重生 VS 众神、斩 下面,隆重介绍一下明日比赛的两方战队! ...

Warriors! "War of freedom" gold league S1 city tour Beijing Railway Station qualifying tournament has been kicked off, and today there are two teams will bring the peak of the duel. Who can get the second final qualifying? We'll wait and see! [schedule today] December 16, 19:00-22:30 group B: nirvana reborn vs gods, cut below, grand introduce tomorrow's game the two teams!...