新关注 > 信息聚合 > 听说这游戏很难?国外高玩用脚玩《黑暗之魂3》


I heard this game is hard? "The soul of the dark 3"

2016-06-08 15:34:31来源: 新浪

《黑暗之魂3》的发售,已经过去了很长时间,但还是很多玩家热议的话题,甚至还催生出了许多脑洞大开的玩法,下面这种也许是脑洞最大的了。 他全程都用脚玩,双脚踩在手柄上,不得不说比一些玩家用手玩的还要好。对嘛!双手还要腾出来做别的事情呢!不过这样真的不会脚抽筋么?意外抢镜的小萝莉也很萌,完全...

The sale of dark soul 3 has been going on for a long time, but it is still a hot topic for many players. It even gave birth to many brain holes. This is probably the biggest brain hole. He played all the way with his feet, his feet on the handle, and had to say it was better than some players had to play with their hands. Right! Both hands have to come out to do something else! But is this really not a cramp? The accident is also very small Lolita Qiangjing adorable, completely...

标签: 游戏