新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼推出手机端PS聊天软件 PlayStation Messages

索尼推出手机端PS聊天软件 PlayStation Messages

SONY mobile terminal PS chat software PlayStation Messages

2015-12-08 16:13:09来源: 4399

对于PlayStation玩家来说,想要在不玩游戏的时候和PSN的好友有所交流是比较困难的事,特别是当你的账号是外服时。现在不比再烦恼了,索尼官方推出了PlayStation专业聊天软件,PlayStation Messages。 这款应用不仅可以查看好友列表,还能知道此时此刻每个好友...

For PlayStation gamers, want to don't play games and PSN friends communicate is more difficult, especially when your account is outward. Not worry again now, SONY officials launched a PlayStation professional chat software, PlayStation Messages. The application can not only view the friends list, also can know that at this moment every friend...

标签: PS 索尼