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PSVR上市在即 香港众明星玩COS扮相辣眼睛

PSVR listing of Hong Kong and all the stars playing COS look hot eyes

2016-09-28 01:44:17来源: 新浪

PlayStation VR即将在10月13日发售,索尼香港最近特意邀请了12位香港艺人玩起了恶搞cosplay,不惜掉粉扮丑,每个人的扮相都是那么的辣眼睛。 为了给PS VR造势,索尼香港邀请了12位港星来宣传,包括盛智文、曾江、周柏豪、郑希怡、徐锦江、孙慧雪、达哥、杜小乔、欧阳伟...

PlayStation VR is on sale on October 13, SONY Hong Kong recently specially invited 12 Hong Kong artist played a spoof cosplay, do not hesitate to drop pink dress up as ugly, everyone is the actor so spicy eyes. For PS VR, SONY to promote port of Hong Kong invited 12 star, including Mr., jiang, beginning, advertisement, elvis tsui, snow suen, occasion, du wei ouyang,...

标签: PS VR