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开黑利器 《王者荣耀》定制版iPhone 7 Plus

Open Black weapon "King glory" custom version iPhone 7 Plus

2017-06-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

腾讯公司旗下手游 《王者荣耀》 有多热门?这点估计已经不需要多做论证,因为其火热程度爆表,腾讯公司还专门为这款手游定制了英雄专属的 iPhone 7 / 7 Plus 手机作为五·五开黑节的大惊喜。这次限量定制版分别挑选了 《王者荣耀》 当中最受欢迎的五位英雄人物,分别是兰陵王、夏侯惇、孙尚香、妲己和刘邦,也分别对应了新 iPhone 磨砂黑、金色、玫瑰金、银色和红色这五种颜色。 《王者荣耀》 定制版 iPhone 共出了 5 个版本,而威锋网这次就拿到了其中一款磨砂黑定制版 iPhone 7 Plus,接下来一起看看这款独特的英雄定制版吧。 《王者荣耀》 定制版 iPhone ...

Tencent Inc's hand tour "King glory" how hot? This estimate has no need to do more demonstrations, because of its fiery degree explosion table, Tencent Inc also specifically for this hand travel custom made hero exclusive iPhone 7 / 7 Plus mobile phone, as the five. Five open black Festival big surprise. This customized limited edition were selected "five heroes" king of glory among the most popular, are Xiahou Dun, Sun Shangxiang, Lan Ling Wang, Daji and Liu Bang, respectively corresponding to the new iPhone matte black, gold, rose gold, silver and red five colors. The "king of glory" is a customized version of iPhone version 5, and the Wei Feng network got a matte black customized version of iPhone 7 Plus, then together to see this unique hero customized version of it. "King glory" Custom Edition iPhone...

标签: 王者荣耀