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9强之战 谁将问鼎2017年全国牌王争霸赛

9 strong who will bid for the war of the 2017 national brand champions

2017-12-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,备受广大棋牌爱好者关注的2017全国牌王争霸赛结束了紧张激烈的21进9之战,全国9强正式诞生。从海选赛到电视赛,从21进9到9强之战的强势对决,每一支队伍都拼尽全力,向着全国总冠军宝座奋勇拼搏! 经过多轮激烈比拼,湖北、江苏、四川、重庆、贵州、新疆、天津、深圳、辽宁9支队伍成功突围,晋级2017全国牌王争霸赛9强,在接下来的比赛中他们将向全国总冠军和百万奖金发起冲击! 选手们在赛场上斗得酣畅淋漓,观众们在电视机前看得热血沸腾。在稍早前结束的牌王有奖竞猜活动中,广东、山东、辽宁是冠军竞猜的热门队伍,这其中有你心中的冠军之选吗?谁将最终捧得金杯,登上牌王宝座?赛场又将出现哪些精...

Recently, the king of the chess lovers watches 2017 national brand supremacy over the battle of intense 21st into 9, 9 officially born. From audition to TV game, from 21 into nine to nine strong strength of the war of the duel, every team and towards the national champion throne struggle! After several rounds of fierce competition, hubei, jiangsu, sichuan, chongqing, guizhou, xinjiang, tianjin, shenzhen, liaoning team success breakthrough, 9 into the top 2017 national brand champions nine king, they will be in the next game to national championship challenge and millions of bonus! The players on the pitch a fight to blow out, in front of the television audience have a boiling passion. Card at the end of the earlier king prize contest activities, guangdong, shandong, liaoning is a hot team championship contest, there are champions of choice in your heart? Who will eventually won a gold cup, boarding card king throne? The game will appear what fine again...