新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》2017年发展蓝图公布,多个系统将大幅修改


"Hero alliance" development blueprint published in 2017, is significantly modified multiple systems

2017-03-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《英雄联盟》官方最近公布了2017年的游戏蓝图,内容提及了诸多在计划中将要修改的部分。虽然并未提起具体细节,但可以感觉到,这款游戏在今年会进行大幅修改。 在本次公布的官方视频中,《英雄联盟》的产品负责人Joe提到,自去年新客户端公测起,全球范围内目前已有半数以上的玩家开始使用新客户端,但根据玩家反馈,目前它还存在着许多不足之处。因此,游戏制作组会在今年内继续改进新客户端的稳定性与性能。 Joe在视频中称,现在同时旧客户端与新客户端需要耗费太多资源与精力,导致一些新功能无法很好地投入开发。在未来几个月中,他们将正式关闭旧客户端,以提高团队效率。 另外,在这次的《英雄联盟》2017蓝图...

"Hero alliance" officials recently unveiled a 2017 game blueprint, mentioned a lot of content in a part of the plan will change. Although did not mention the details, but can feel, the game will be significant changes this year. In the official video released by the "hero alliance" of the product owner Joe mentioned, since last year, the new client demo, worldwide there are more than half of the players began to use new client, but according to player feedback, now it also has many disadvantages. As a result, the game production team will continue to improve in the course of the year new client stability and performance. Joe said in the video, now at the same time old client and new client requires too much resources and energy, leading to some new features can't very well put into development. In the next few months, they will be officially closed the old client, in order to improve the efficiency of the team. In addition, in the "hero alliance" 2017 blueprint...

标签: 英雄联盟