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《守望先锋》Sombra成黑客 光明科创公司CEO辞职!

The watchman pioneer Sombra into hacking Light kechuang CEO quit!

2016-11-05 10:16:47来源: 新浪

《守望先锋(Overwatch)》新英雄Sombra的彩蛋已经“折磨”了太多的屁股玩家,每一次有关新英雄的动向都让大家失望不已。继前几日《守望先锋》Sombra“黑”掉光明科创公司内网后,日前,官方发布新动态,光明科创公司CEO宣布辞职! 来自墨西哥多拉多的消息:今天光明科创(Lum...

The watchman pioneer (Overwatch) new hero Sombra eggs have "torture" too much ass players, every new hero moves about let you disappointed. After a few days ago the watchman pioneer Sombra "black" off light after kechuang company Intranet, the official release of new dynamic, light kechuang CEO announced his resignation. From Mexico dorado news: today the light kechuang (Lum...

标签: 守望先锋