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CF hand tour new version of Kroraina tomb new map, a list of new weapons

2016-10-24 16:15:11来源: TechWeb

随着时间的推移穿越火线手游不断地完善自己。每个版本的精心制作、每次更新前玩家朋友们的激动与欣喜,我们在浓浓的暖意中与穿越火线手游走过了十一个月,今天,CFM再度更新,种种惊喜都在等待大家去发掘,现在就让我们共同领略全新版本“楼兰古墓”的风采吧! 【新版本特点】 说起更新大家想的一定就...

Over time, through the tour hand tour constantly improve themselves. Each version of the elaborate, each update before the game player friends excitement and joy in our warmth and Cross Fire Mobile Games passed eleven months, today, CFM update again, surprises are waiting for you to discover, let us enjoy the new version of "Kroraina tomb" style. The new version [features] speaking! We want to be updated...

标签: CF 手游