新关注 > 信息聚合 > 主播骚男理发嫌贵竟自己剪 网友:狗啃效果满分

主播骚男理发嫌贵竟自己剪 网友:狗啃效果满分

Anchor SAO male hair too expensive unexpectedly cut yourself netizen: dog chew effect full marks

2016-10-09 11:04:14来源: 新浪

LOL著名主播骚男想必各位玩家是再熟悉不过,游戏里的骚男简直骚的飞起呀!而近日,成名已久且收入不菲的骚男竟然又在现实中干出了一件骚事! 原来是国庆骚男去理发,没想到因为国庆开张店铺较少因此收费提到了60元。万万没想到身价不菲的骚男竟然嫌贵自己剪,还剪出了狗啃的效果! 看着这一堆的...

LOL famous anchor SAO male gamers must be familiar with, SAO the male can SAO fly up in the game! And recently, established and income of SAO male unexpectedly and out of job in reality a SAO thing! It is National Day SAO men get a haircut, have never thought for National Day opened shop less so is mentioned 60 yuan. Never expected expensive SAO the male was too expensive cut yourself, also the effect of the cut out of the dog chew! Look at this pile of...

标签: 主播