新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《传奇世界H5》全新版本“全民攻沙”9月开启,敬..


"Legendary world H5" new version "national attack sand" September open, worship..

2016-09-06 13:46:32来源: 漫域联播

十亿玩家期待,十年经典重铸。今秋9月,盛大正版授权、蝴蝶互动精品手机网页游戏《传奇世界之仗剑天涯H5》,将携重磅版本“全民攻沙”闪亮登场! 游戏世界里的玩家朋友啊,你是否已经对沙城大门的开启期待已久?那些曾经守卫沙城的热血勇士啊,在远离玛法大陆的这段日子里,你是否随时准备着归来? 那...

Classic recasting billions players expect, ten years. Autumn in September, the original authorization, grand butterfly boutique mobile web interactive play "the legend of the world battle sword tianya H5", will be there with big version on "national strike sand"! Game players in the world of friends, have you have waited a long time to see shacheng door open? Those who once o blood warrior guarding the shacheng, in these days, far from mainland marfa, whether you are ready to return? That...

标签: H5