新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从《魔兽世界》电影谈超级IP的泛娱乐之路


From the world of warcraft movie about super IP generic way to entertainment

2016-04-07 12:12:05来源: 天极网

从即将上映的《魔兽世界》电影谈超级IP的泛娱乐之路 2016年6月10日,《魔兽》电影将在全球上映,这部电影与其说是一部好莱坞的魔幻史诗大片,不如说是全球《魔兽世界》粉丝的一个终极嘉年华。在IP、泛娱乐、影游联动这些词汇充斥着整个游戏行业的今天,大家可千万不要以为暴雪也开始跟风了,因...

From the upcoming world of warcraft movie about super IP pan entertainment way on June 10, 2016, "warcraft" film will be shown around the world, the film is not so much a Hollywood fantasy epics, as the global world of warcraft fans an ultimate carnival. In IP, entertainment, film swim linkage with these words the whole game industry today, you don't think blizzard are starting to follow suit, because...

标签: 电影 魔兽世界