新关注 > 信息聚合 > 90后小伙玩网游花3万4买装备 却被对方以盗号为由..

90后小伙玩网游花3万4买装备 却被对方以盗号为由..

After the 90 guy playing online games spend 30000 to buy equipment Is each other on the grounds that the theft behavior..

2016-03-24 11:28:16来源: 新浪

90后小伙小炎平时酷爱玩“大话西游”游戏,2016年3月19日下午,他在家中电脑上玩“大话西游”游戏,发现一个玩家的游戏装备很不错,最终决定以34000元的价格购买对方的装备。 但对方称通过“大话游戏”装备交易平台手续费高,叫小炎通过线下交易,双方谈妥后,小炎通过手机网银、微信支付及...

After 90 young small infection usually have a passion for playing "a Chinese Odyssey", on the afternoon of March 19, 2016, playing on his computer in the home "a Chinese Odyssey", found that a player's game equipment is very good, the final decision for the price of 34000 yuan to buy the other equipment. But the other said by "big game" equipment trading platform poundage is high, called little inflammation through offline trade, both sides agree, the small inflammation by mobile phone net silver, WeChat payments and...

标签: 网游