新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《编年史:卢恩传奇》发布公测宣传片 炉石劲敌登场

《编年史:卢恩传奇》发布公测宣传片 炉石劲敌登场

"The chronicle: lewen legend" released video demo BFS enemy

2016-02-22 11:00:04来源: 新浪

《编年史:卢恩传奇》公布了游戏的公测宣传片,这款以《炉石》为劲敌的卡牌游戏即将出征,那么它能否瓜分一些市场呢?让我们拭目以待。 《编年史:卢恩传奇》脱胎于欧美网游《Runescape》,而《Runescape》的影响力比肩《WOW》,因此以《WOW》为原型的《炉石传说》出炉并且取得不错...

"The chronicle: lewen legend" released the video demo of the game, the card game in the furnace for rival stone is war, so it can grab some market? Let's wait and see. "The chronicle: lewen legend" based on the European and American game Runescape, and the influence of the journal Runescape par "WOW", so in order to "WOW" as the prototype of the hearth legend come and get good...