新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坚挺16年!韩国老牌武侠网游《千年》5月将停运


Strong 16 years! South Korea established martial arts online game "one thousand" in May will be shut down

2016-02-22 10:45:27来源: 站长之家

近日,由韩国Actoz公司开发的老牌武侠网游《千年》发布公告,宣布将于2016年5月17日停止运营。《千年》自2000年开始在韩国投入运营,至今已经走过16个年头,而该游戏的停运也让众多忠实玩家唏嘘不已。 《千年》2000年在韩国上市,2001年由亚联互动在国内推出并盛极一时,此后游戏...

Recently, the development by the south Korean Actoz company established martial arts online game "one thousand" the announcement, announced on May 17, 2016 to stop operations. "One thousand" was put into operation since 2000 in South Korea, has been through 16 years, and the shutdown of the games also let many loyal players from crying. "One thousand" on the market in South Korea in one thousand and 2001 by the interaction in the domestic launch and reached its zenith, after this game...

标签: 网游