新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL推塔神器被封 兹若特传送门杀兵推塔双管齐下

LOL推塔神器被封 兹若特传送门杀兵推塔双管齐下

LOL if pushing artifact was hereby, pushing both portal to kill

2016-02-22 10:45:27来源: TechWeb


LOL every year there are a batch of equipment from us, this year the most sad is undoubtedly the sword to kill and blue medicine has been removed! Galen cry dizzy in the toilet. Don't know what next year equipment will leave us? Today, we should take advantage of some equipment has not been deleted to popularize the artifact is still alive. One of today's leading role is a man never wants a Bug level equipment. In fact a small number of players should feel its role is very big,...

标签: LOL