新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL英雄联盟微博推活动 我给英雄联盟提建议赢百..

LOL英雄联盟微博推活动 我给英雄联盟提建议赢百..

LOL hero alliance weibo activity My advice to the hero alliance win best..

2016-02-22 10:14:24来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】2月22日消息,小编今日逛LOL官网时,看到了一条让人热血沸腾的消息,那就是LOL(英雄联盟)在官方微博上推出了一个活动, #我给英雄联盟提建议#【赢总价值百万点券的皮肤】。令人有些遗憾的是,此次活动并非所有的LOL玩家都可以获得,每转发200次抽送皮肤1次,总共2...

【 】 TechWeb reported February 22 news, small make up today's shopping LOL website, saw a let a person have a boiling passion, that is LOL (hero) launched a campaign on the official weibo, # # I offer advice to the hero alliance "win worth millions of point of skin". Is some, unfortunately, not all the activities of LOL players can get, every 200 times forward pumping skin, a total of 2...

标签: LOL 英雄联盟