新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游版《红宝石2》Q2上线 继承端游版玩法

手游版《红宝石2》Q2上线 继承端游版玩法

Mobile game version of ruby 2 Q2 online Inherit the version of the game

2016-02-22 10:17:25来源: 17173

据韩国媒体爆料,手游《红宝石2》将于今年Q2上线。 《红宝石2》为老牌韩游《红宝石》的续作,原为端游MMORPG,由于开发时间过场,无法适应目前市场的趋势,因此开发商宣布将其转换为手游。手游版的《红宝石2》是款RPG游戏,依然沿用了原作动漫的画风,画面似乎比端游版更为细腻。其战斗类似...

According to reports coming from the south Korean media, the mobile game "ruby 2" to Q2 this year. "Ruby 2" for the old Korea "ruby" sequel, originally the MMORPG, due to cut development time, cannot adapt to the trend of the market at present, so the developer announced converts it to a mobile game. Mobile game version of ruby 2 is an RPG game, still use the original cartoon style, picture seems to be more delicate than end tour edition. His battle similar...

标签: 手游