新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL英雄与火影忍者角色对比 大蛇丸竟然是她?

LOL英雄与火影忍者角色对比 大蛇丸竟然是她?

LOL hero Naruto and Orochimaru turned out to be the role of contrast her?

2015-12-19 15:33:11来源: 东北网

在LOL游戏中,有一个英雄被称为火影!没错,就是劫。其实除了劫之外,其实在很多英雄身上都能看到火影的影子!甚至是神似!下面,一切来看看那些神似火影的LOL英雄吧! EZ&四代 都是高富帅,都是小黄毛!而且EZ的E跟四代的飞雷神也有异曲同工之妙!只不过,和被称为“黄色闪光”的四代相...

In LOL game, there is a hero called Naruto! Yes, that's robbery. In fact, in addition to robbery, is in fact in many heroes who can see the shadow of Naruto! Even quite similar! Here, look at all those who bore a striking resemblance LOL hero Naruto it! EZ & four generations are rich handsome, are small Rattus ! and EZ E with four generations of fly Raytheon also has the same purpose! only, and is known as "yellow flash" fourth generation phase ...

标签: LOL