新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏直播ImbaTV完成近亿元融资 王思聪参投

游戏直播ImbaTV完成近亿元融资 王思聪参投

The game live nearly 100 million yuan financing Sicong ginseng imbatv investment

2015-10-26 14:55:16来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】 今日,游戏视频内容提供商ImbaTV正式宣布已经完成近1亿元人民币B轮融资。本轮融资由毅达资本旗下紫金文化基金领投,普思资本跟投,A轮投资方红杉资本与创新工场继续加码跟投。目前全部投资都已到账。 ImbaTV联合创始人兼CEO沈伟荣表示,大众体育娱乐是等待...

[Yesky News Channel News] today, video game content providers imbatv officially announced that has completed nearly 1 million yuan of RMBs B round of financing. Cast round of financing led by Adams capital's Zijin culture fund, MIPs capital with the cast and a round of investor Sequoia Capital and Innovation workshop to overweight with the cast. Now all the investment has been credited. ImbaTV co-founder and CEO Shen Weirong said the mass sports entertainment is waiting for...

标签: 游戏 直播