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放不下的深情 玩家述多年诛仙情感经历

Not put the affectionate internationally to the years of kill celestial being emotional experience

2015-08-26 13:50:16来源: 多玩游戏

一、天音初见 我记得第一次见你,那时候的诛仙还没遍地的11套 12套13 14套装备。加8的普通装备就是大神般的存在。那时候等级最高就是90级。我35级懒的实在不想去打怪。就站14天音门口看热闹。你那血红色的名字我一样就注意到了你(无情)。那时候觉得你好帅。是我这辈子看见最帅的合欢了...

, telling the initial I remember meeting you for the first time, the time of kill celestial being is not everywhere 11 12 13 14 sets of equipment. There are 8 common equipment is like god. At that time, the highest level is 90. My 35 - level lazy really don't want to go. Stand 14 door telling watch. Your blood red name I like to notice you (ruthless). At that time I feel so handsome. This is my life to see the most handsome meadow...

标签: 玩家 诛仙