以前做职业选手的时候生活比较自由,脑中只有一条单线思维,只要把游戏打好,现在创业我需要学习太多关于公司管理方面的知识,总觉得时间不够用。 钛度创始人之一、CEO李晓峰 “小时候非常崇拜金庸、古龙笔下的大侠,一度想去少林寺学武。”7月28日,在上海凯旋路的钛度公司小会议室里,CEO...
before do professional players of the time life is free, the brain is only a single line of thinking, as long as the game now venture I need to learn too much knowledge about the company's management, always feel that time is not enough. Titanium is one of the founders, CEO Li Xiaofeng "small time very worship Jin Yong and Gu Long under the pen of the heroes, once wanted to go to Shaolin Temple to learn martial." July 28th, in the Shanghai triumph road of titanium in the small conference room, CEO...