新关注 > 信息聚合 > 夜神模拟器亮相2015CJ 复古周边等你来袭

夜神模拟器亮相2015CJ 复古周边等你来袭

Nocturnal simulator debut 2015CJ retro surrounding you struck

2015-07-31 21:25:41来源: 新浪

China Joy热闹依如往日,各大厂商都在紧罗密布的布展中,每家厂商都在挖空心思抢占市场眼球,而首次参展的多点网讯(夜神安卓模拟器的研发公司)展台也利用其自身优势,吸引着各大游戏开发者、发行、渠道平台等的目光。下面就先为大家剧透一下多点此次的亮点所在: 亮点一:国内首个手游PC化一站...

China joy lively in accordance with, such as in the past, the major manufacturers are in the tight Luo clouds exhibit, each manufacturer are racking their brains to seize the market attention, and for the first time exhibitors multi-point network (nocturnal Ann Zhuo simulator research and development company) booth also use its own advantages, attracting developers, distribution channels, platform, such as the eyes. At first we are more spoilers about the highlights: highlights: the first Mobile Games PC station...