新关注 > 信息聚合 > 文化部新通知 游戏主机生产销售全面解禁

文化部新通知 游戏主机生产销售全面解禁

The Ministry of culture notifications about new games host production and marketing of a comprehensive ban

2015-07-24 18:34:29来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】在上海自贸区解禁游戏机之后,文化部近日下发通知宣布将这一政策推广到全国,同时鼓励国内公司开发自主研发的游戏机。 文化部新通知 游戏主机生产销售全面解禁 日前,文化部网站刊登了通知《文化部关于允许内外资企业从事游戏游艺设备生产和销售的通知》。公告表示鼓励和...

[Yesky News Channel News] after the Shanghai FTA game ban, the culture ministry recently issued notice will be announced this policy extended to national and encourage domestic companies to develop independent research and development of game machine. The Ministry of culture notifications about new games host in the production and sale of comprehensive ban recently, the Ministry of culture website published notice of the Ministry of culture on the permitted foreign-funded enterprises engaged in gaming and entertainment equipment production and sales of the notice ". Announcement said to encourage and...

标签: 游戏