光荣公司近日宣布正在开发当中的《无夜之国(A Land Without Night)》将延期到9月17日,跳票的原因为提高游戏品质,但官方表示在初回特典中将增加系统主题下载码作为补偿。 游戏讲述了2名年轻姐妹Anas 和 Ryuritis与怪物对抗,打败夜之魔王的故事。阿拉斯(Ana...
Koei recently announced development is the" no night of country (a land without night "will be postponed to September 17, bounced because to improve the quality of the game, but the official said in early to code will increase the system theme download code as compensation. The game tells the story of 2 young sisters Anas and Ryuritis and the monster against, defeat night devil story. Alas (Ana...