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魔天记手游灵宠神通技能大全 各等级神通属性汇总

Magic day in mind, hand travel spirit pet supernatural skills Daquan each grade a magical property summary magic

2015-07-10 18:22:13来源: TechWeb

魔天记手游灵宠可以为角色带来属性上的加成,而且,灵宠的神通能够释放Buff类的技能。下面蚕豆网下酒为大家带来魔天记手游灵宠神通技能大全,各等级神通属性汇总。 灵宠名称 灵宠颜色 神通等级 神通描述 深渊孽兽 主线"七世情缘" 绿孽兽甲1级每8秒,对主人施放水球,形成一个护罩...

day record hand tour pet spirit can bring for the role attribute of the addition and the magical powers of pet spirit can release buff skills. The following drinks for everyone to bring magic beans network day hand tour spirit pet supernatural skills Daquan, each grade of magical property summary. Spirit pet name spirit pet color supernatural level powers described abyss of sin beast line "VII romance" green sprouts beast a grade 1 in every 8 seconds, to the master cast water polo, forming a shield.

标签: 手游