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Spend thousands of bone of hand travel professional spirit pet collocation is recommended

2015-07-09 10:27:28来源: TechWeb

花千骨手游很多新手在宠物选择搭配上很迷茫,下面是论坛资深玩家小不点对花千骨职业灵宠搭配的一点见解,主要针对前中期的玩法搭配选择,很有见解。 灵宠推荐: 前期宠物选择主要选择战斗力比较高的来提高战力,方便过图,像墨冰、夏紫薰、东方彧卿、重名、落十一等都可以拿来使用,从中期开始就需要考虑...

spend many novice in pets to choose collocation is very confused, the following is forum of senior players little to spend thousands of bone vocational spirit pet collocation point of view, mainly aiming at prometaphase play paired with a selection of thousands of bone in hand, the good solution. Pet spirit recommended: pre pet selection main battle force relatively high to improve combat capability, convenient a graph, like ink ice, summer Zixun, Oriental Yu Qing, Fijian, fell 11 can be brought to use, from the mid to need to consider.

标签: 手游