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"College entrance examination in love 100 days": Part-time game on the game to

2015-06-21 11:25:18来源: 07073游戏网

在斗鱼直播上,有一个从首页标签来看与游戏毫无相关的直播“高考状元66教你攻略高考”,点进去发现,在直播的居然是一款国产galgame游戏《高考恋爱100天》,关注人数将近9000,弹幕也在不间断刷屏。 国产、单机游戏、高考题材,这三个元素点合在一起让这款游戏有一种很独特的感觉。在各种...

in Betta live on, there is a from the Home tab and game is no related live "college entrance exam 66 teach you Raiders college entrance examination", point into the discovery, in live is actually a domestic GALGAME game "college entrance examination in love 100 days", concerned about the number of nearly 9000 Barrage is the unbroken scraper. Domestic, stand-alone games, college entrance examination subject, these three elements together to make this game has a very unique feeling. In various...

标签: 游戏