新关注 > 信息聚合 > 还想回到那个夏天:“同级生”系列杂谈考


Also want to go back to that summer: "peer students" series

2021-02-26 19:28:34来源: 触乐

2020年10月22日,DMM旗下成立了几年、没干什么正经事的PC游戏部门 DiGination突然在Twitter上宣布,他们将在次年2月26日发售“同级生”系列完全复刻版,消息一出,无数睡眼惺忪的四五十岁日本“社畜”泪流满面、头顶青天、狂喜乱舞,仿佛回到了年轻时腰不酸、腿不痛,偷偷摸摸去软件店购买年轻人第一款成人游戏的时光。 说起这个系列游戏和它的开发公司élf,那真是一段漫长的历史。 复刻版宣传图,颇具时代气息 ■ 从“Nanpa”开始 1980年代,在日本和美国差不多同时诞生了成人游戏这一分类。 早年间,日本成人游戏的简单粗暴和明目张胆程度是现代人难以想象的。开发者们的精力完全放在了怎么用贫弱的机能还原核心行为

On October 22, 2020, diginantion, the PC Game Department of DMM, which has been established for several years and has done nothing serious, suddenly announced on twitter that they would sell a complete reprint of the & amp; quot; peer & amp; quot; series on February 26 of the next year. As soon as the news came out, countless sleepy Japanese & amp; quot; social animals & amp; quot; With tears streaming down his face, blue sky on his head and wild joy dancing, it seems that he is back to the time when he was young and had no pain in his waist and legs, and secretly went to the software store to buy young people's first adult game.