新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《明日方舟》X《彩虹六号:围攻》联动将于3月上旬开启


"Ark of tomorrow" X "Rainbow 6: Siege" linkage will start in early March

2021-02-23 17:54:34来源: 游戏时光

鹰角网络在今日的「《明日方舟》制作组通讯」日志中公布,《明日方舟》×《彩虹六号:围攻》“源石尘行动”限时活动将于 3 月上旬开启。根据介绍,该活动包含全新活动关卡与活动剧情,活动联动干员「Tachanka」和新时装及相关主题家具也将伴随着本次的活动登场及上架。除了联动活动外,《明日方舟》还将于 3 月上旬开启「罗德岛防御协议」活动,并于下旬开启「生于黑夜」复刻活动。来源:明日方舟

Yingjiao network announced in today's "ark of tomorrow" production group bulletin that the limited time activities of "ark of tomorrow" × "Rainbow 6: Siege" and "operation yuanshichen" will start in early March. According to the introduction, the event contains a new event level and plot. The event linkage staff "tachanka" and new fashion and related theme furniture will also be on the show and put on the shelves. In addition to the joint activities, ark of tomorrow will also launch the Rhode Island defense agreement in early March and the "born in the dark" Remembrance in late March. Source: Ark of tomorrow