新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如果说职场歧视普遍存在,那在游戏圈里可以避免吗?


If workplace discrimination is widespread, can it be avoided in the game circle?

2021-02-23 15:00:00来源: 触乐

2020年TGA颁奖典礼上,《达尔文计划》(Darwin Project)的开发商Scavengers Studio公布了一款画风清新、引人注目的新游戏《季节》(Season)。一名年轻女子离开僻静的家乡,骑着自行车第一次探索世界,记录自己的旅行生活,并逐渐发现世界正在发生灾难的秘密。 在社交媒体上,《季节》凭借精致的画面、叙事背景和对提供多样化、有趣的角色的承诺而广受称赞,游戏将在PC和主机平台上发行。但根据很多Scavengers在职和前员工的说法,游戏中展现的舒适氛围与他们的工作环境反差明显。 9名Scavengers的在职和前员工讲述了这家蒙特利尔开发商的工作环境——由于担心遭到报复,这些受访者要求匿名。 根据他们的描述,Scavengers拥有一群非常优秀的开发者,大家为《达尔

At the TGA awards ceremony in 2020, scavengers studio, the developer of Darwin project, announced a fresh and eye-catching new game season. A young woman left her secluded hometown and rode her bicycle to explore the world for the first time. She recorded her travel life and gradually discovered the secret that the world was suffering.

标签: 游戏