新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杰米·李·柯蒂斯将在《无主之地》电影中扮演坦尼斯博士


Jamie Lee Curtis will play Dr. tannis in the movie "the land of no man."

2021-02-10 09:09:10来源: 游戏时光

据外媒 Collider 报导,知名演员杰米·李·柯蒂斯将参演《无主之地》电影,并扮演坦尼斯博士。本片导演伊莱·罗斯表示,他一直梦想着能和柯蒂斯合作,并希望柯蒂斯能在片中发挥她的才华。《无主之地》真人电影将于今年在布达佩斯开拍。凯特·布兰切特将在片中出演莉莉丝,凯文·哈特饰演罗兰。本片由美剧《切尔诺贝利》的编剧 Craig Mazin 负责剧本编写,他还负责了《最后生还者》剧集的编剧工作。来源:gameinformer

Famous actor Jamie Lee Curtis will play the role of Dr. tannis in the movie "the land of the ownerless", according to foreign media collider. Eli Ross, director of the film, said he had always dreamed of working with Curtis and hoped that Curtis could play her talents in the film. The live action film "the land of the ownerless" will start shooting in Budapest this year. Kate Blanchett will play Lilith in the film, and Kevin Hart will play Roland. This film is written by the American drama "Chernobyl"

标签: 电影